Events & News
wings over the smokies
September 26-28, 2019
Book Reading and Signing
Alabama District State GWRRA (GoldWing) Rally
June 20-22, 2019
Book Reading and Signing
40th Annual Florida District GWRRA Rally
March 21-23, 2019
Hilton Hotel
350 North Lake Blvd
Altamonte Springs, FL
Book reading and signing
NC CBA/ABATE party at Riders Roost
September 14-15, 2018
Roost Coordinates
Lat: 36.071094
Long: -81.403136
N 36 deg 4.26564 min
W 81 deg 24.18816 min
Book Signing
NOTE: If you are interested in having Wayne do a book signing/reading/talk at your event contact via email: wlittrellw@cs.com
February 2019
In order to reduce the price of the paperback and make a hardcover option available of Flames, my newest novel, I changed to Westwood Books Publishing. (LINK)

First shipment of flames has arrived
Saturday, February 17, 2018
Get your own personalized copy through my bookstore now--makes a great gift for a friend, especially if they ride.

New website live
Jan. 30, 2018
With the first shipment of FLAMES arriving soon, it was a great opportunity to redesign the website and bookstore. Here, you can get signed, personalized copies of all of my books directly from me. I'll also keep this site up to date with upcoming events and blog posts. You can also reference my maps, points of interest, defensive riding tips, glossary, and links using the menu at the top of the page.