First Blog Post!
Welcome to my new website and blog!
Please leave your comments, suggestions, and ride tips here: that’s how many of the ideas for my novels and magazine stories come about. My biker-based novels evolved from reader suggestions and road tales. My goal has always been to add value to my road stories and novels. I try to not only entertain my readers with a thrilling story, but encourage them to travel by motorcycle to unique destinations using the backroads. Thanks to input from readers, I added maps and a glossary. Then, after a huge, beer-bellied biker came up and hugged me saying something the main character did in my first book saved his butt on the road, I added defensive riding tips with the help of several motorcycle organizations. A few readers mentioned pictures, so I added some in my latest novel, Flames. After all, my characters are inspired by those I meet on the road, while the story itself is guided by things that happen to me and others along the backroads. It is important to note—although my stories are strongly influenced by things that happen while on the road riding my motorcycle, no one was hurt or killed while I was writing them—the murders are fictitious!
My Goal: If one accident is avoided due to a story or post, I feel it is successful. If a vehicle operator looks twice and avoids crossing the path of another, the writing did its job. If the reader shares a thought or tip with another with the desire to help them avoid a mishap—I am ecstatic! (I seldom hear about it; what biker keeps track of their close calls?)
My next book will include tales from the road, especially those with a lesson learned. As I ride to events and book signings this year, I will be soliciting stories and tips from those I encounter looking for sparks to ignite the next ‘Flames’. Don’t hold back— the story or tip you have just begs to be told and shared.